Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Calling...

I've finally found my calling in life. :)

HA! Nah, this is a post about my Church calling. I'm the Primary Secretary in my ward and after a month in the calling, I have to say, I'm liking it lots more than I ever thought I would.

Today I was sustained in my position. Also, it was the Primary Program in Sacrament meeting. Jeremiah is out of town. Yeah, if it weren't for my in-laws (THANK YOU Twitch and Sandra!), I would have had Robyn and Archer up on the stage with me, squirming and squealing. But since the in-laws came, I could focus on my Primary Kids. :) They did such a great job. Most of them memorized their little lines and one kid in particular - who is 5/6 yrs old - memorized a 2 minute talk. No paper in front of him or anything. And he did it all without help in front of A LOT of people. AMAZING! :)

ANYWAY, I took pictures of "my" kids to post on here, but thought that their parents probably wouldn't like to just come across pictures of their kids on some random person's blog, so they're not here. Sorry...

BUT I stayed up way late last night making little books for all the ladies in Primary. There are 8 + me! They turned out really cute, so I have decided to show you those instead of my kids... :)

Aren't they fun? I love doing those. They are my "while Jeremiah is at work" project. That and reading Michelle's book. Last night it was these and only these. It took me about 3 1/2 hours... BUT I did watch the Relief Society thingy on TV while doing them, so something productive came out of it.

I am enjoying my calling. I've done more research on the church and primary in general. I read scriptures, pray and listen to Primary Music. Maybe that's why I'm in this calling. I didn't get much of a Primary as a kid and I've never really been the type to sit down and study scriptures (a gasp just escaped from my neighborhood). I'm not the most religious person, but I'm getting better now. YAY FOR PRIMARY!!!