Friday, September 12, 2008


I am addicted to Coke, Speed and McDonalds.

So, I realize that I have a problem. I have addictions. They are my escapes. My feel-goods. And from the 1st sentence, I hope that I have not made you nervous. See, the types of Coke and Speed that I'm addicted to are the "good" kind. Well, they still aren't good, but not the drugs at least...

Seriously, just looking at that makes me SUPER thirsty and all mouth-watery...
Mmmm... Where IS my Coke????

I LOVE going fast! :)

Yum! :) Dinner (and lunch yesterday and the day before and the day before...)

But the food might as well be drugs. I am so annoyed at myself, but I don't have the willpower to stop! It sucks! I can't carry cash because I'll spend it on junk and, honestly, I'm at the point where I can't trust myself with my cards! It's no wonder we're broke!

And the speeding thing? I can't believe I haven't gotten a ticket yet! If my kids are driving me crazy or if I need to get away or whatever, I go FAST. I hop on the freeway and just go. I'm that crazy person doing 85mph ++ on the freeway passing everyone while singing as loud as I can along to whatever is on in the car. It's probably not safe (but I do feel safe when I drive)...

The food.... McDonalds Extra Large Drinks are only $0.99 and the Double Cheeseburger is $1. So I eat that for a meal probably once a day. And my waist shows it! I scrounge up whatever change I can find - when I don't have cash - just to get a "fix". I'm going to be 300lbs by Christmas.

SO, I have heard (several times, actually) that admitting you have a problem is the first step. First Step - Complete. NOW, on to the "don't carry cash or cards when you are out and about" stage... Hopefully it will work.

Don't let me drive when I'm going crazy at home and if we go out to McDonalds for ice cream and Playland, DON'T let me get food or drink.

Thanks for reading the ranting. :)


Michelle D. Argyle said...

I think holding you back from the McDonald's line would erupt in a ferocious attack - especially if you were hungry.

You just need to find other food that you like and keep it at home and take it with you.

Start exercising as much as you can, and drink lots and lots of water, no matter how much you hate it. If your tummie's full of water, it might not want so much Coke...

By the way, I'm addicted to fast food, too, but I don't have a car, so I never have a way of getting it.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do.