Thursday, September 11, 2008

9 Years Married and almost 11 Years Together...

Today is Jeremiah and my 9th Wedding Anniversary. We were together for a year and 9 months before actually "taking the plunge", so we've spent quite a lot of time together... Over a third of our lives, actually. Weird to think of it that way...

The Story of Us?
We've known each other most all of our lives. We were actually "boyfriend / girlfriend" in 5th Grade and held hands on the bus. However, it didn't last that time because I wouldn't kiss him. :) So we became friends in our Sophmore / Junior year again. I was dating someone else when Jeremiah and I started "fooling around". (Bad us!) And we've been together ever since! :) So romantic, right? HA!

Um, no. We were dating and thought, "hmmm... Well, I guess that we should get married since we're still together. I mean, it is the next step, right?" HA! :) Again, SO romantic! :)

Anyway, I thought I would share some pictures of us over the years. (For the first few years we didn't have a scanner or a digital camera, so their are only a few from that time. Sorry!) Enjoy!

Ah! We've gotten older and fatter together! :) So romantic. :)


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Wow! We're going on 6 years. And we got married only 6 months after knowing each other. Crazy how time flies by!

Congratulations! And have fun!