Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sick Babies...

This is an old picture of Robyn...

As a mom when you have a sick kid, something that always gets you is how much you love your babies. I've gotten to feel that for each one of my kids the last few weeks.

Robyn spiked a high fever about 2 weeks ago. We're talking 104! I freaked out and took her to the doctor. Good thing I did because the poor little thing had a double ear infection. The fever lasted around 24 hours. She also had diarrhea and a bad diaper rash (you know, the kind that bleed!) I just sat and held her and felt horrible for her and wanted to make her feel better. Finally the diaper rash is going away. Phew.

Then on Sunday (when I got home from my Breaking Dawn trip) Tanion said his stomach and head hurt. Took his temp and he was 102 - 103. Yay, another sick kid. For two days he was fevered and for the rest of the week he's been poopy.

And of course...

Jeremiah left town last night for the weekend (he's playing with his dad and one of his brothers). I stayed up and watched a movie. Finally trying to go to sleep around 1am. Archer woke up at around 1:30am this morning crying. He said his tummy hurt and he was hot. Fever of 101 and started throwing up. He would take turns trying to sleep, crying and puking. He was awake til 4am throwing up. He finally had nothing left in his stomach and agreed to drink some Pedialite. He fell asleep and so did I (in his twin bed). At 6am he woke up because he needed to puke again and on his way to the bathroom he pooped his pants so he was crying about that, which made him have to puke more. Then he sat on his little potty in the bathroom til he fell asleep. I carried him to his room and passed out. Robyn woke up at 7:15am. It's 9:30am now and Archer's fever has broke. He acts ok, but he's still has a bad case of the poopies. Like running to the bathroom every 15 minutes.

I hate when my kids are sick. It makes me so sad for them and there is nothing I can do to explain WHY they are sick and I can't make it better. Because that is my job. To make my kids feel better. And I can't. But I love them and would do anything to make them feel better. I would be sick and fevered and poopy if that's what it took for my babies to feel better. I would do anything to keep them happy and safe and healthy. I hate the world of the "it just has to happen sometimes". I know kids get sick, but that doesn't mean I have to like it or wish it was different.

Sorry. Lack of sleep (what, like 2 hours isn't enough to function?) and feeling bad for my babies is sneaking up on me. *Sigh* Sometimes it's hard being a mom...


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Sometimes? Um, ALL the time, it's hard being a mom. ESPECIALLY when they're sick. I'd offer to help you, but I wouldn't want to catch whatever you're family has. It doesn't sound pleasant. :(

I hope you don't get sick, and I hope it all passes by quickly.

You are racking up the points in heaven, my dear.