Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Duh... I forgot to tell you about the book...

I posted a blog about going to the Homestead with my hot girlfriends to read Breaking Dawn, but I didn't tell you if I liked it or not!!! DUH, MANDY!!! I'll try to NOT give anything away...

Ok, YES. I did like it. Angie was disappointed with the ending. There was a lot of things going on in the book and it probably could have been broken down into 2 separate books, but it wasn't and that's ok. I liked it, but I'm with Angie on the ending could have been a little better.

Something else I agree with Angie on is that there should have been more details into their "bedroom" time. Or where ever the act may take place. But I understand that it is written for high school girls who should be sweet and innocent, not us 28 year old mommy's who are still reading in that age group. :)

But over all, yeah, I'd recommend it. It made me giddy. :)

AND, I found this picture online and I have to say that it is purely amazing and sexy. :)


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Mmmm, yeah I think it's the vampire sex that might keep me reading - but now that you say there's not much info on it, hmmm, that's kinda disappointing. Not that I'm into reading that kind of stuff - I'm just purely interested on how all that "works" you know?

Still undecided if I'm going to read them or not. Maybe I'm just scared to ... after discovering that the end is a complete flop (most people are saying that). Is that really worth reading all those books for? Sigh.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Oh, and there is a "bedroom" scene in my book, too. Well, several actually. Does that make you want to read it? Tehehehe. But bear in mind, it's ALSO written for young adult...