Friday, August 15, 2008

He's OK! :)

This is one of my favorite pictures (a little old) of my little "Moe". :)

So Archer has been sick since Saturday (remember that post?). He hasn't had a fever the last few days, but the diarrhea is there and it became bloody on Monday / Tuesday. So I took him to the doctor and he had to have his blood drawn (they poked both of his arms cuz he's a wiggler) and give a few stool samples. Yeah. That was fun.

Well, we've been waiting for a few days (since Tuesday) to find out just what could be causing our little guy to be so miserable and have to poop every 20 minutes (no exaggeration!) and Dr. Dave has been calling us every night to check up on him. You know it's something bad when your doctor is calling you at home to check on your kid... We looked at the possibility of him having Celiac Sprue (allergic to wheat), an ulcer and all sorts of other super crappy bad things.

Today Archer has been pretty much his cute / wild / weird little self and has only pooped like once an hour or even longer! (YAY!) So when Dr. Dave called and I told him that, he got excited. He told me that the results got in and Archer has Salmonella in his poop, so he's probably gotten some Salmonella Poisoning. But, since he doesn't have a fever anymore and is acting more like himself he is probably healing on his own. :) :) :)

We do have to watch him and make sure that he doesn't spike a fever again and we need to watch for him to start saying his legs / feet hurt. If they do, it's bad and we need to get him to the doctor. If he doesn't, it should pass and he should / could be back to normal by the end of the weekend. :) YAY!!!

Man... Stressful thing, this parenting job. But he's doing okay and we just have to watch him. How many times to I have to be freaked out about the life of this one little person!!! He's my sick kid - with weird things that happen to him. From possibly not being able to even live (they thought he had Trisome 18 when I was prego with him), to maybe having a cancer spot on his leg (removed at 18 months and tested NEGATIVE for it!), now this. Yeah. He's my sick kid. Everyone's got to have atleast one, I suppose.

But I love him just the same. :) And I'm glad that he's ok.


Michelle D. Argyle said...

I am so happy he is okay! Yeah, there's always one of those sick kids, huh? Another one of my friends has one, too. Can't wait to get my book to you so you can relax and get your mind off of things. :)

Rhanda said...

Wow! Poor kids to have salmonella. Glad he's doing better. Tough kid.