Sunday, August 10, 2008

To all the 1998 Wasatch High people....

Ok. I was wrong and I'm admitting it here.

I didn't want to go to my 10 Year Class Reunion. I didn't think that I liked very many people or that very many people liked (or even knew) me. I even wrote a blog about it about a month or so ago. Thanks to Ms. Angie, I felt like I should go. And then I started thinking that it might even be fun to go to the lunch and see a few people.

So yesterday was the day. Archer was sick all night (see last blog!) and I was tired and I just decided that I wasn't going to go. I talked to myself all morning (seriously, like til 10ish?) and finally thought - if I can get a sitter for Archer, I'd go. Jeremiah's mom took him (and DarTanion) on so Robyn and I made the journey over to Charleston Park.

I have to say, it was actually pretty fun! It was great to see all those people who I was friends with and who I knew "back in the day". It was fun to see where everyone else was in their life and all of the cute kids that people had created! And there were a lot!!! And it was nice to see that you could still tell who pretty much everyone was. :)

So here I am, eating a slice of Humble Pie with a side of Crow. My bad. People have grown up and moved on and are doing great and it's nice to see. :)
It was great seeing all of you who made it to the lunch part. Sorry I didn't make dinner. When I picked up Archer he was really sick again so I figured that I should be a responsible mommy and do the right thing and take him home and take care of him. I wish I could have been there... I wish you all the best and would love to keep in touch if you can get past me being a dork. :)

:) Mandy

Yay, 1998!


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Okay, so I'm mad at you for not calling me . . . and telling me you were going! I was considering going, then you said you weren't, and I didn't want to go alone because Adam had to work. Oh well, guess there's the 15 or 20 year one, huh? I'm sure nobody asked about me anyway. I was never popular. :)

Me said...

Hey, I am so glad that you came. Sorry I wasn't able to chat too much but the kids had me running after them. I feel so bad, before I left I meant to let you know to say hi to Sandra for me since she had been so nice in asking about me. i'm a goober sometimes.
anyways, just let her know that i said hi and it means a lot to me that asked how i was etc.

Rhanda said...

I'm glad you made it. It was so fun to see you and Robynson! I look forward to these reunions.