Monday, July 28, 2008

I Was Tagged! :)

Best mom tip?
Let them be kids. Let them be crazy and get dirty and play.

Biggest time saver?
Get ready the night before if you have plans for the next day. Pack diaper bags; set out clothes; and if needed, put cereal in a baggy so they can eat it in the car.

Your workout routine?
I go walking with one of my neighbors 3 days a week. I need to do a lot more than that!

Some thing you can’t live without.
Jeremiah. He is so helpful with the kids. I can tell when he's been working side jobs and hasn't been home much with the kids. I get cranky.

Your beauty fix?
I have to have my toes painted. That is my must. I like to have 5 seconds to put on makeup, but it doesn't always happen. :)

Your fashion pet peeve?
Skinny pants. I HATE the style these days with boys in skinny pants. Especially the ones that are hanging off the butt. It makes me violent! I want to hit people with my car or shoot them with a paintball gun.

Most you've ever spent on a pair of shoes?
Probably like $80? I don't remember. It was so long ago! Pre-kid days!

5 minute meal?
Peanut Butter Sandwich with Raisins

Favorite restaurant?
I like Don Pedros and Canton City in Heber City. In Provo I like Olive Garden and Pizza Factory. Lots of yummy carbs! :)

Your Design Style?
Whether in my house or on my body, something comfy. :)

1/2 hour to yourself, what are you doing?
Either playing on the computer or sleeping. I'm SO tired these days! I do like to read if I get the chance too! :)

Favorite tv show?
Grey's Anatomy. I love it. I can't explain it. I also really enjoy The Office. It makes me giggle.

Your dream vacation?
Not having to worry about time or money at either Disneyland or Disney World. Oh, and no lines. :)

Your first job?
I have babysat for my entire life. I don't ever remember a time when I didn't babysit. :) I also would help my mom at her job cleaning hotel rooms.

What do you do now?
I wrangle 3 kids and their schedules. I cook, I clean, I play taxi.

How do you relax at the end of the day?
I usually veg with Miah on the couch and watch some random TV show while eating ice cream. We will usually visit, then shower and sleep.

OK, so if there is anyone out there who reads my blog and would like to do this as well, TAG, You're IT! :)


Me said...

Good to find out more about you, thanks for carrying on the tag!