Sunday, July 6, 2008

About My Man...

I don't know if it was me that was tagged by Zoe or if it was her other friend Mandy that was tagged. But in any case, I thought I would play. :)

1- What is his name? Jeremiah Richard Hardman (or Hugh or Miah... whatever) :)

2- Who eats more? I would say him.

3- Who said I love you first? Him. Totally him.

4- Who is taller? Jeremiah by like 1/2 an inch!

5- Who is smarter? I would say him - unless it's one of my areas of expertise.

6- Who is more sensitive? Me. He's not really at all.

7- Who does the laundry? Generally me but sometimes he helps.

8- Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are looking at it from the foot of the bed I do.

9- Who pays the bills? I do but usually we talk about how poor we are afterwards.

10- Who cooks more? Generally me. Or McDonalds. Whatever.

11- What meals do you eat together? Dinner and all food on the weekends, usually.

12- Who is more stubborn? I would say him.

13- Who is the first to admit they are wrong? We're generally not wrong. :)

14- Who has more sibling? Him. He has 2 brothers and a sister. I just have a sister (and her hubby, I guess!)

15- Who wears the pants in the relationship? Him. I like capris. :)

16- What do you like to do together? watch movies, play with the kids, go shopping, sleep, visit. Just spend time together.

17- Who eats more sweets? Totally Miah. Don't know why he doesn't weigh 300 pounds.

18- Guilty Pleasures? He likes guns, time with me, Original or Super Nintendo.

19- How did you meet? We've known each other for forever. We grew up together.

20- Who asked who out first? I asked him. To Turkey Trot (girls choice dance). About 3 months before we started dating.

21- Who kissed who first? I would say him, though I think we were both looking for some action! HA!

22- Who proposed? Neither. We just decided that the next step was probably marriage so we started looking for a ring. HA! So romantic!

23- His best features? Everything. My hubby's HOT! :)

24- What is his greatest quality? He's really not the jealous type. He's not one to keep things to himself. He's a great dad. He's a great listener. I just love him. :)

Okay - I tag whomever has a hubby that they want to rave about. GO! :)