Sunday, June 29, 2008

WHY the "Back in the Day" posts ???? Here's your answer!

Hi All!

I am going to post a few things that are just memories and things from "back in the day". Some of these moments are from way back when (like 1992) and others are more recent, but still "back in the day" (like 2002). 'Why?" you may ask...

Well, I am a hoarder. I hoard things that have any sort of meaning to me. I have a hard time throwing things away. (Anyone remember the episode of me getting rid of 10+ totes of magazines and ending up in the hospital with a bad anxiety attack that we thought was something else?) Yeah. Sad... Well, I'm on meds now and Jeremiah and I have finally decided to downsize. Not only our life, but the expenses and the junk that come along with it. So we're getting rid of a storage shed in Heber that we have had for over 9 years now. Just think - at $50 per month for nine years, I could have bought me a gigantic shed or went on a nice trip or something!

ANYWAY, while cleaning out the storage shed and going thru countless boxes, I have come across letters that take me back. WAY back. There were things that meant a lot to me at one time or another. People who mean a lot to me. It's been fun taking the walk down memory lane. It's been sort of hard to get rid of things but at the same time, it's needed and it's about dang time!!!

I've changed the times that these post so that they will be in order of how I would like them to go. I will be scanning pictures later and will probably just post a blog with pics from the past instead of editing these posts. ANYWAY...

SO, you ready to read my odes to the past? HERE WE GO!!!


Michelle D. Argyle said...

So much fun to read all of that! Wow, now I'm reminiscing. Did you have a fling with Aaron????? I can't remember that. Or I never knew.... Where is he now? He never replied to my last email.

Life sure has changed. But what fun we had! And how much we've grown!