Sunday, June 29, 2008

BitD, Part Two: LETTERS FROM GIRLS... :)

I love my girlfriends. The ones I was good friends with in high school - I am still in touch with most of them. They save me. :) I love you all - please know that - but I'm only going to focus on a few that I found letters from.

BEENO: I found a 20+ page letter from you while you were away for a week. You talked about Luke (yeah, it was old) and all sorts of things from back in those days. Yeah. It was awesome. And there were illustrations. :) Rainbows and the little bean holding the O. I'm going to have you draw a huge one of those for my little Robyn's room. :) All of the Smith's call her Beeno. :) It's wonderful. :) You were seriously just the most wonderful, beautiful, fun person. Lots of letters . Lots and lots of letters. All of them just showed your awesome personality. Love it.

MANDY: Oh yeah - you and I wrote ALL the time. ALL THE TIME. And the nicknames and the code names for things that we shouldn't have been doing. :) It's great. And can I say that I love that we were Mandy 1 and Mandy 2. :) Awesome. :) You wrote some about dreams and boys. I'm sure I probably even have one that you wrote about Jeremiah somewhere. :)

KELLY: Wow. I found one that I'm going to have to scan and email to you. Do you remember: "Derek is like - whoa buff and Brian is like - whoa hot and Tony is like - whoa my boyfriend." :) HA!! I found THAT letter. It was great. I read that and just about died laughing on my porch. And you wrote me poems. And gave me mothers day cards - even before you lived with us. :) I guess I always have been the motherly type. :)

MICHELLE: I found a rough draft of one of your stories. It was only like 5 pages and untitled. I gave it to Jeremiah to read. He thought it was good too. I'm glad you're still writing. :) Our fun was more the beginning of the high school experience. It was so fun, wasn't it?

Man. It was fun in high school. I liked it back in the day. No real responsibility. I could work at the theater making less than minimum wage and eat all the popcorn, jerky, pickle and pepsi dinners that I wanted and I still looked great. I played with my friends all the time and it was always a good time. I am all sorts of sentimental and living in the past right now. I just wanted to post something that was fun and exciting to me.

I'll try to scan in pictures later. :)



Michelle D. Argyle said...

Holy crap, what story did you find? Let me know, please. And I seriously doubt it was that good. Teehee, you were such a support to me, and even now! I will definitely let you read my first rough draft when it's done.