Sunday, June 29, 2008


Hehe... Of course I would start with the boys. Boys were my life. Come to think about it, they still sort of are. :) Hmm.... Maybe that's why God gave me 2 boys first....


While cleaning out random boxes, I found letters. Lots and lots of letters. My favorites were mostly from when I was in 6th grade. That's right, people. 1992. Wow... I must have been more popular or outgoing or something back then. I had love notes. All sorts of cheesy, wonderful 6th grade love notes. I had a special box that I kept special letters in. Before throwing these letters into the trash, I read them. Each and every one. I read most of them out loud to Jeremiah and we both thought they were great. I had the classic "will you go out with me? check yes or no." notes. I had the "you'll be the best, most beautiful girl ever" note. I had the "I'm sorry that I was a jerk, but I still love you with all my heart. Can we be boyfriend / girlfriend again" note. Oh yeah. I must have been a player in 6th grade. The fun part? I know that they were from 6th grade because it's the only year I went by April (my real first name).

Then I found letters from boys as I got older and started looking like a girl (you know, I got the boobs and hips and stuff). Man. They weren't much better. :) MATT N.: If you are reading, I TOLD YOU I COULD HAVE YOU IF I WANTED YOU!!! I HAD ONE FROM YOU TOO!!! 9TH GRADE, BABY!!! HECK YES!!! :) :) :) Nah - I have to say, though: Aaron, if you are reading this, you were seriously WAY passionate for your age. MAN. That was a good letter. Made me feel all "and why didn't we work out"? Yeah. It was like reading a romance novel - most sexy letter I ever received, that's for sure!! I really do think that we had a connection (more than the physical kind, people) and if you hadn't moved, who knows what might of happened. Or not. It was a little weird because, to me, it was supposed to be Aaron and Michelle. But I'm glad I had a little time with you. ANYWAY.... :)

And then their is Justin. I know I have a Justin box somewhere (I haven't found it yet), but I found a letter and one of my rings from him. For those of you who don't really know "back in the day" me, Justin was my most serious boyfriend (well, till Jeremiah). :) We dated for around 2 years of high school. I had a promise ring from him and I tell you, I was going to change that boy if it killed me. But I didn't. And we broke up because of lots of different reasons. But he was good to me. He made me the wonderful little Mandy that most of you knew and loved back in the day. I found one of his letters. It was the hardest to throw away. It was a letter that told me a list of reasons he loved me. And, you know, it's nice to hear. I got all sentimental and just smiley. I can't explain it. But it was fun.

It was really nice to reminisce of the different boys. And I remember them all. And some I didn't have letters from. Some I just have the memories of you. But it was great. A lot of people say they wouldn't go back, if they had the chance. Me? I probably would. I had a blast in high school and it was all because of the boys. (Can I just say that I am SO glad I am married to a husband who doesn't care that I sometimes live in the past? :)