Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Observations of a 4 year old...

DarTanion is very observant for a 4 year old. He pays more attention to things than you would think... Like when watching TV, there have been many commercials where he tells you exactly why we need that product. Apparently we need water globes so that our plants won't die. And we need to quit smoking because smoking is bad. (Try explaining that you DON'T smoke and you haven't EVER smoked and so we don't need to quit. He'll argue that smoking is bad for you and you DO need to quit...) :) He cracks me up.

This morning, he had an observation that the mountains out our kitchen window were growing. I told him that Timp doesn't grow, but the clouds were moving to make it look that way. I had a 5 minute argument with him about that this morning before I gave in. We decided that the mountain WAS growing because someone must have left their water bottle on the top and it spilled so now it was growing just like his plant in the window... that needs a water globe so that it doesn't die.

Being a mom is fun.