Monday, June 2, 2008

Just a few people who I love...

I wanted to do something about some of my friends. Not the people I am related to because we all know that I love them. But these are the friends I consider family. The ones that are just wonderful people who seem to love you no matter what and who understand all your crazy quirks because they have them too. Those friends that you'd do anything for. SO...

JEREMIAH: Ok, so I guess that technically, Jeremiah and I are family, however, I did have a choice in making him family. And I love him. Totally. I don't believe in Soul Mates, however, if I did, he'd probably be mine. We get along better than anyone I know.
JESSIE: She is so kind and thoughtful and wonderful. :) She loves the boy (Jedd) and just wants to be part of his life forever. Now, if he'd only get off his butt and propose!
JEDD: He's probably been my friend the longest of any of my friends. We've been friends since we were 8 years old. And no matter how hard he tries to get away, I won't let him. :) I sort of hold dibs on him and get to decide who he's with. (Not really, but I like to think I do.) But he is just funny and crazy and great. I love him. :)

The Smith and Bolinder Clans are my adopted family. Mandy and I became friends when we were 15 years old and have been ever since. If you don't know her, you should make an effort to get to know her. She's funny and crazy and wild, all while being the best little mom. :) Her husband puts up with our little family coming to visit constantly and he still loves us! WEIRD! :) and her first family (the Smith's) are great too. They adopted me as the second Mandy back in the day. They have let us go with on Family Vacations and invited us to Family events. They are family. They are all a little crazy, but again, so am I and that is why it works. :) Shandy (Mandy's little sister who is almost 14) will someday marry DarTanion. Just ask him. :)

Jennifer and I became friends at the Homestead when I started in the Accounting Department. We found out that we are both sort of obsessive when it comes to TV / Movie Characters that we love. That sounds sad, doesn't it? But see, we understand each other. :) We both know that there will never be another LUCKY and we both would love to be Mrs. McDreamy. She's my movie date for most chick flicks. We get together to just trash talk on celebrities and people who we don't care for. Yeah, it's sad, but it works for us. :) I love hanging out with her. I feel like I don't have to hold anything back. I don't feel like I'll hurt her feelings if I tell her how I really feel. Yep, she's one of the good things to come out of me working at the Homestead. :)
This picture says it all. I mean, how could you NOT love these guys? Dan always makes me feel good. He tells me how wonderful and smart I am and always reminds me that I'm a good person. And trust me. I'm one of those who needs reminding of that sort of thing. Errol and I have fun just goofing around and teasing each other. He cracks me up so if I'm ever sad, I just call him and he comes to the rescue. He'll have you laughing in no time.

I love Becky. She is one of those people that EVERYONE should love. She will do anything you ask her to and she will always smile and she'll let you vent. She is very down to earth and doesn't seem to have any false sense of herself or others. She doesn't seem impressed by "status" in life. She judges you by who you really are. I told her on many occasions that if she wanted to be my best friend, she could be - she's just that wonderful!

Angie is awesome. She is one of those people that will just crack you up and she doesn't even mean to. She is so much fun to get together with and just vent or gush over your latest obsession. She lives close to me and has kids the same age as mine, so it's nice to get together for ice cream, picnics, or just some good ol' fashioned girl talk. Plus, she has a similar personality of me and Jeremiah, so it works well. :) It's great to have a friend down here...

Catlin is one of those crazy kids that you meet and are instantly drawn in. There is this aura about him. Something that makes you just want to get to know him more and find out what makes him tick. I honestly can't tell you what it is about him, but there is something truely special about this guy. And girls, he's single and a returned missionary!!! :)

OKAY, so now don't be mad if you're name and picture are not on here. Most likely, the people who ARE on here will be mad because they don't like their picture or some other dumb reason. :) But that's why I love them. :) I know that this isn't a complete list, but they are some of the wonderful people who make my life fun. :)