Sunday, June 15, 2008


I just wanted to give everyone out there who reads my blog or just happens to find it -


This is M. Night Shyamalan's WORST MOVIE EVER!!!

Jeremiah and I went to see it for his "Father's Day Date". I even hired a babysitter for $7.50/hr!!! We went to dinner and saw "The Happening". We were hoping to see a movie that would scare us. Something that would sort of give you the creeps or make you think over the whole movie and wonder if you missed the signs of what was happening. It didn't at all.

Stupid, Stupid Movie. SPOILER ALERT (if you still think you want to see it, then don't read. Otherwise, be my guest and I'll explain the stupidity of it all):

Mark Wahlburg's character is a Science Teacher who wants to know why the Honey Bee is disappearing. None of his students know the answer. While he's talking about Bees, in New York, people start killing themselves for no apparent reason. People panic and blame terrorists. It's not terrorists. Whatever it is that is making people kill themselves is spreading super quickly, but only in the top right hand side of the US. Then people around Mark and his traveling group start dying. He meets up with a couple who have a plant nursery and he explains how wonderful plants are and that they can put off gases to protect themselves from things that might be harmful to them (and how if you touch / talk to your plants they are happy and grow better). So, yeah, basically, in the long run of the movie (and trust me - it seems SO long!) the plants are putting off a chemical that kills people with the wind picks up - but the chemical apparently only worked for like 48 hours but it killed a TON of people. Of course, it quit working. And Mark's character (and his wife and his friends daughter who he will now raise as his own) don't die from it. As a matter of fact, he and his wife are now super happy and wonderful with each other and their new little daughter (who seems completely fine even though her parents just died a few months ago from plants). And his wife finds out that she is pregnant. In the bathroom with plants in the window. HONESTLY, wouldn't you try to kill all the plants if that just happened?

That's it. Nothing scary. Nothing interesting. Stupid. Waste of money and time. And it wasn't just us who thought that. EVERYONE who was leaving the theater was asking people around them if they liked it or thought it was scary or anything. No one liked it. And it's rated "R" but Jeremiah and I couldn't figure that one out either. It doesn't have bad language or anything. The death scenes were sometimes a little disturbing, but honestly, I have seen worse in PG / PG13 movies... I don't know... It's just a DUMB movie!!! So please don't waste your time seeing it!