Saturday, October 11, 2008


Last week while Jeremiah was out of town, I was sick. I was achy, had a headache and either felt like my head was about 4 feet above my body or just like I was a leaky mess.... Yeah. It stunk. Then Jeremiah gets home and gets the exact same thing. He says that his must be worse. He thinks he has strep... Yeah... Cuz his was SO much worse.... So he's going to the doctor.

Well, it seems as though our whole little family has Strep Throat. Jeremiah, Me, Archer and possibly DarTanion... So Jeremiah and I got a shot of penicillin in our hip and the boys are on antibiotics. They say that Robyn is too young to get Strep, so that's good. But she's teething. She has 3 pretty new teeth coming in on top. FUN! Oh, and her and Archer got their Flu Shot yesterday. And Archer has infection in his feet. Yeah.

Think that's the end? Oh no...

Twitch and DarTanion - Oct. 2003

I was almost home from the doctors with Robyn and Archer when Jeremiah calls and says that his dad is in the Hospital. CRAP! Twitch (my father-in-law) is strong. He NEVER takes medicine or goes to the doctor if he doesn't have to... So something must be wrong. DarTanion got out of school about 45 minutes after I got home from the doctor so we all piled back in the van and headed to Heber. Jeremiah missed Wednesday and Thursday from work because he was sick, and now he missed Friday because his dad was sick. His dad was sent home with drugs and an IV in his hand. He has cellulitous. Don't ask. I don't really know too much other than it's a BAD infection. He has it all the way from his toes to just past his knee on one of his legs. He was in a lot of pain. Jeremiah, his brother Jed, uncle Phil and cousin TJ gave Twitch a blessing and we just hung out at his parents house all afternoon yesterday. There to help his dad if he needed it.

Twitch and DarTanion - Dec. 2003

Yep. So that's our drama. That's why we're not going to be able to make it to Sebastian's Birthday, Jilly's Birthday, or Taebree's blessing. That's why we've been anti-social the last few weeks. I know you all understand. :)


Me said...

I hope everyone gets feeling better. The phrase "when it rains, it pours" comes to mind. keep us updated.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

I'll keep you in my prayers, sweetie! Let us hope this is the only bout this season!