Saturday, October 4, 2008

My babies...

I have days where I feel like "all" I am is a mom. Jeremiah has been gone (to Colorado) for work since last Saturday (and should *hopefully* be home late tonight) and so I guess I have been "just a mom"... But I've also been sick since Wednesday night so I've felt crappy and probably took it out to some degree on my babies... :( I do feel bad about that...

I decided that I needed to sit down and take a little "ME" time, so I folded Laundry (which DESPERATELY needed to be done). Granted, it's not what I like to do with my spare time, but I had just washed a bunch of 9-12 month clothes for Robyn and needed to do the "out with the old, in with the new" routine once more. That and I have been washing and drying for about 2 weeks without any actual FOLDING... It was a BIG task... Want Proof?

SEE! I told ya! :)
(Does this mean I'm airing my "clean" laundry?)

AND NOW, for the reason you check out my blog anyway.... THE KIDS! :)

It's sideways, but it's a cute picture of my baby girl

I took a picture right before this, so then she smiled and posed, so I took another one. And notice the chocolate cake? I'm an awesome mom...

One of our little neighbor girls was over on Monday. She found the markers and I told her mom, "it's ok, they're washable"... SO Tanion colored his hands. "Don't worry, Mom, their washable!"

were taken at the Springville Walmart. I couldn't figure out why there was a giant blow up COKE bottle outside the store, but the boys insisted on having their picture taken in front of it. (Come to find out, it was the "Grand Re-Opening".) Then inside the store, a Keebler Elf was giving away bags of cookies. The kids needed a picture with him too... I had to do it... Jeremiah's out of town and he wouldn't want to miss a picture opportunity with a famous Elf, would he? :)


Heather said...

the keebler elf, oh fun.Hopefully that was enough to get your kids through the store happy. Im sorry I didn't know that your husband was out of town, If that happens again I would be glad to come help out or just bring some adult company.

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Oh, Mandy, you know I check your blog first and foremost because of YOU! I love your kids and all, but I love you even MORE.

Let me know if you need company when your hubby's gone. I'm always more than happy to come visit. And we both know Darcy LOVES it there!

Bwoods said...

Love that Keebler Elf! You are so funny! You are not "just a mom"! You have a life most are envious of, you are way organized, you are so much fun and you are cute too!