Friday, May 29, 2009

DarTanion at the Dance Festival

These are really crummy, shaky videos. There are 2 of them. Sorry for the crummy shaky-ness of it all.... I'm having a really crummy, shaky day. CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT IT...

Provost Elementary had a 'Dance Festival' for the last day of school. The Kindergarten all danced together. I had told DarTanion to try and be where I could see him and record it, so instead of going over to his class, he stayed with the all-day kindergarten class and faced me so that I could record it.

He did awesome!!!
He was the only kid to do the 'robot' dance. :)

Here are a few videos...
*NOTE: Tanion is facing the camera and is wearing jeans and a red t shirt with a black/gray long sleeved shirt underneath.*

**For those of you who get this emailed to you: In order for you to see the videos, I think you have to actually LOG ON to my site... It's:


Heather said...

I am sorry about your hard morning for the parts that I know. I tried clicking on the link and nothing happened though. Dar Tanion was really cute I was standing there watching hi and everyone around me was talking about him and pointing him out! Cute, cute! If you ever need me to take the other two while Archer is in trouble, I would be glad to let them have some fun with my kids and take them to the play land!

Cherlelynn Bednar said...

Wow way scary! The dancing was cute. He did a good job (even if the video was shaky I read you're other blog and totally understand why).