Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thomas the Train!!!

If you know my Archer
(or if you read my blog),
you know he is obsessed with

Thomas the Train.

REALLY obsessed.

Well, Thomas the Train comes to the Heber Valley Railroad every year on Memorial Day weekend. I am aware of this but it costs quite a lot ($16/person) to go to. And since we are broke, I made sure that Archer wasn't aware that Thomas wasn't around. BUT, thanks to my parents, we were able to go! :) They gave DarTanion and Archer a ticket for 'graduation', so we all went to 'Sodor' (where Thomas lives) to ride Thomas. :) They even bought tickets for me, Colleenia (my sister) and Kaylee (her daughter)! They have booths with different activities, a petting zoo, a temporary tattoo parlor, a movie tent, food, trains, and a Lego City... LOTS of stuff... AND, we took LOTS of pictures... READY??? :)

They had little yellow railcarts to ride in so we rode in that right as we got there...

Then we went and saw 'Sir Topham Hatt' - the Director / Controller of the railway at Sodor... Archer was super excited but refused to look at him or the camera for pictures... As we left, he waved goodbye to Sir Topham Hatt and said "I love you!" I think he was star struck...

We got balloon animals (sorry, no pictures) right before we got on Thomas! :) We took LOTS of pictures of us on Thomas...

Then we got our pictures taken in front of Thomas.

Archer just wanted to talk to Thomas.
Archer told Thomas about a truck being on the tracks down the road, and that James was stung by bees and that there was a famous artist coming to Sodor and all sort of things... He's a little TOO familiar with the Thomas stories... When we were getting ready to leave the big Thomas Train and go in the Gift Shop, Archer gave him a big hug and told him that he loved him. :)

Archer was a little overwhelmed at the Gift Shop tent. They had so many trains. He kept picking them up, saying their name, looking at their faces and putting them back. He was just smiling and excited and couldn't do it fast enough.

They had pictures of some of the trains on the fence. We took pictures in front of them before we left. The kids were tired of getting pictures taken, hungry because it was past dinner time, and Archer was upset because I didn't buy any new trains... Here are a few of those...

As we walked away, we said a million goodbye's to Thomas and 'Sodor'. Archer was heartbroken because I wouldn't let him live there. (I know, I'm so mean!)

DarTanion held Kaylee's hand as we walked to our car and I was able to catch a beautiful picture of that...

All in all, it was a really fun time.

**Thanks, Dad, for spending your stash! :) **


Cherlelynn Bednar said...

What a great time and great pictures. Susan went that when she was younger. She LOVED it!!! I'm glad you're kids had a great time too! I can't believe how old your sister is too. I know I guess we all grow up.