Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another reason I love (my kids in) school...

The boys on their first day of school 2008 - 2009

My boys are in school. DarTanion is a Kindergartner at Provost Elementary and Archer is a Pre-Schooler at Hobble Creek Learning Center. I love my boys schools (and teachers!). It gives me a break for a few hours on Tuesday and Thursday where I just have Robyn and I can generally take a nap. It also allows my kids to be creative and do things that I wouldn't have thought of doing. And they are getting smarter! DarTanion can basically read (if you make him sit long enough to do so) and Archer is learning to write. They both generally like school. :)

Yesterday and today gave me another reason to love school. Mother's Day. Jeremiah and I decided that we are "too poor" to celebrate holidays that were for US - so no birthday presents or mom / dad day presents. And really, I'm fine with that. But the school system made sure I was taken care of. :)

Yesterday was MOM AND ME lunch day at DarTanion's school. I went and had a lovely chicken nugget lunch with him yesterday, complete with chocolate milk and jello cup. :) After our lunch, DarTanion presented me with my Mom's Day gift he had been making at school. Inside a decorated Manila Envelope, was a picture of a flower made from gluing beans to card stock, a magnet with a picture of his (evil) smiling face, a homemade card with a blue and green flower on it, and a lovely poem with his hand prints next to it. It made me smile, giggle a little, and get a little sad that my little man is, in fact, a little man.

Then today at Archer's Preschool when I picked him up, I was presented with a cute little potted plant with an "About My Mom" page attached to it. It's too fun NOT to share what it said:

How old is your mom? 14 years

How much does your mom weigh? 4 pounds

How tall is your mom? 10 feet
What does your mom do while you are at school? She makes water.

What kind of work does your mom do? She babysits.
What is her favorite household chore? Sweeping.
What makes your mom feel happy? Cleaning.
What does your mom like to watch? TV.
What does your mom always tell you? No.

When your mom goes shopping, what does she like to buy? A train.
What does your mom like to play? She likes to play TV.

Yep. My 4-year old knows me pretty well. :) HAHA!!! The other thing they did was ask the kids what their favorite dish that their mom makes is and how it is made... It is HILARIOUS what some of the kids said!!! Well, Archer said his fav dish that I make is Ramen Noodles. (Of course, it is!) So, did you know that the ingredients are: Sauce and 10 Ramen Noodles. Yep. Apparently so. And how do you cook such a delish dish? Put Ramen Noodles on the Stove. Eat them up.

really, you should see some of the 'recipes'

I like this whole MOTHER'S DAY thing...
Actually, I think it's more that


Remind me again,
Why did I agree not to celebrate it???