Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Time...

Ah, Christmas. The time we focus on Christ, Family & Friends, love - and presents. At least, that is what is most important to the kids. If I told my kids, "Sorry, we don't have money this year, but really, Christmas is about Christ, not presents", my kids would have me shot at dawn. :) Luckily, Jeremiah has a great boss who does great Christmas Parties (with great gifts) and we were able to get the kids some presents this year. Actually, I would say my kids were quite spoiled this year...

Archer reading a Thomas story with Grandpa Twitch

Tanion, Draysen, Archer, Aunt Jessa, and Robyn

Little Kaylee Belle

We decided with the wonderful weather (lots of snow) that it would be easier to do our "Heber Christmas" with my family and Miah's family on Christmas Eve (cuz we were already there). So, we opened the many wonderful presents from them the night before Christmas. Archer got trains - LOTS AND LOTS OF TRAINS. The kid is overly obsessed with Thomas the Train. Tanion got Transformers and some games. Robyn got girly presents (dolls, girly clothes, etc). Miah and I got money and gift cards (which is just what we wanted and needed). :)

Robyn liked the boxes the best...

Archer thought he got "kitty food" for Christmas! :)

Then on Christmas morning, we let the kids sleep until THEY woke up. They were all in clothes from the day before because it was almost midnight by the time we got home from Heber and they were all asleep. :) We let them all open their presents, which included more Thomas stuff, more girly things, and an XBOX 360. We hid the XBOX in my gifts, so when Tanion didn't get to open it (that's all he asked for), he was upset. We told him Santa must have decided that I should have it instead so he cried for about 10 minutes until we told him that it was his and DAD's gift but that it must have meant that MOM was the boss of when it could be played. Good Answer. :)

Archer's presents...

DarTanion was funny - we got the kids an MP3 player so that I could put all of their music on one for car trips and things so that I don't have to worry about "inappropriate" music coming on with them in the car....
He kept saying - "This is crazy! 5 Year Olds don't get IPODS! That's just nuts!"

Robyn and her Daddy with her Belle dolly and feather boa...

DarTanion - first thing in the morning - before presents...

Picture by DarTanion of MY Christmas Present... :)

Picture by DarTanion of Dad with his Present...

Robyn with all of her presents...

Christmas night after a day of fun and presents....

Since then at our house, it's been lots of XBOX 360 (and Lego Star Wars), lots of trains and lots of House Construction - which I will have a post about that will show up before this post.

We do hope that everyone had a fantastic, wonderful Christmas. We hope Christ was in your thoughts and presents were under your tree.

Love, The Hardman Family


Heather said...

looks like they had a lot of fun with Christmas. Your kids are really cute, love their comments about things, the xbox and the mp3 player.

the Lola Letters said...

Glad to see that our house wasn't the only house hit by a Christmas tornado!