Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Um... I forgot?

You know when you have one of those days where you are pretty sure it's special but you can't remember why? Or you think you have something going on, but you don't remember what or when? Yeah. Whoops.

April 19th.
Does that date mean anything to anyone out there in blog world?
How about April 19, 2007?

Yeah. It's my little family's sealing date. As in sealed in the temple. As in Anniversary of sorts. And I forgot. Totally spaced it. I was feeling all spiritual and happy and sappy romantic-y for a little bit. I kept thinking - there is something going on today but I don't remember what. I checked Facebook to see if it was anyone special's birthday and I was forgetting it or something. Nope. Not on there.

Just as I was falling asleep late Monday night / Tuesday morning, it hit me. I, then, hit Jeremiah and said - 'You forgot our anniversary.' He was asleep so he was a little groggy and awnry and said - 'No I didn't, you idiot. It's in September. Go to bed. You're dreaming.'

Ah, love.

Our little family after our sealing on April 19th, 2007
(Robyn was in the belly)

Our little eternal family now
(well, Nov. 28, 2009, actually)

* * * * *
I love my little family and am super grateful for Jimmy and his late night talks with Jeremiah about life, church and the temple. I'm thankful for Kirk for never giving up on our family and our eternal goal. I'm thankful for Sheri and Amanda and their 'inspiration' to give me a calling in Primary. I'm thankful for Joseph Smith and for his life that he gave for his beliefs. And I'm thankful for Jesus Christ and the Atonement.

If you want to know more about my religion, check it out at


Katie said...

What a great day for your and your darling family! I'm so glad you commented on my blog so I could get the link to yours! Hope you are all doing well! Now I will be able to keep a bit more caught up on your family!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Awww! Sometimes I forget important dates, too. No worries. Great pictures!

Jessie said...

i love you so much. Thank you for all you do for me!!!

Jessie said...

i love you so much. Thank you for all you do for me!!!