Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This will take a while to load... LOTS of Pictures - Collage Style!

So I think I've sort of figured out the whole COLLAGES thing on Picasa (have you tried this? Do you like it? I've just started, so tell me - what am I missing?) And I've kind of been having fun with it... Maybe a little TOO MUCH fun... Here is a post with LOTS of collages of events over the last few weeks... :)

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We had a friend party for Archer's
'Big 5 Birthday'
And when Grandpa Sherrill came home from Arizona to visit, he brought more presents -
A Red Ryder BB Gun and Mighty Mac the Train!

The boys showed off for Grandpa Sherrill by beating the crap out of each other.
I've been told that is what ALL boys do, but I have to wonder...
But I do know what girls like - Robyn and I had a girls morning. We went shopping, then came home and gave ourselves a pedicure!
My kids have LOTS of energy, so it's not uncommon to find them passed out somewhere - like the car, couch, my bed or in the middle of their pizza!

Archer has decided that he likes his picture taken...

And Robyn LOVES it! She'll even pose!
Gotta LOVE her wild fly-away hair!

We've been playing outside a lot,
which means riding in Lightning McQueen!
And playing at the park!
(look at my little monkey!)

We were happy that Grandpa Sherrill was able to come home for a visit. He even had cousin Kaylee with him! The girls tend to fight over who's Grandpa he really is... :)

Robyn was playing with her little friend and got 'bonked' in the eye... It was instantly purple. These pictures are from the day after...
Even with a black eye, she is a little (posing) princess.
(Thanks for letting us borrow the dress, Angie!)

Lately I have been loving digging in the dirt. Maybe my inner child is coming out. Or my inner boy! But I've loved it. I've weeded most of my front garden, some of my back garden areas, some of the dirt hill and even some of my MOM's side garden! While weeding my mom's, I stole some of her 'chicks and hens' - their technical name is Sempervivum tectorum but really, no one knows that! I've replanted them around one of my trees at my house...
Anyway, on to another BUSY week
so I'm sure I will be back with more soon!

**Plus, I have a few pictures that were single pictures that were great that I'm going to have to share!


RebeccaVert said...

HOW fun!!! I will have to try the photo collage thingy! looks like ALOT of fun!

Audrey said...

cute pictures! As for the boys fighting...let's pray that it is normal. Otherwise, I'm in big trouble. :)