Friday, April 2, 2010

Birthdays and such.

Well, it's officially happened. My 30th birthday has come and gone and there wasn't any horrible, life ending events that occurred. Actually, it was kind of fun. :)

We started celebrating the day before. Robyn stole my spot in bed with Jeremiah on March 28 / 29 because there was a spider on her wall, which I killed. Still, she refused to sleep in her room. When I went in my room after she had fallen asleep to move her to her room, I thought it was too tender to disturb. I slept half the night on the couch (until Archer kicked me off) and the other half in Robynson's room. :)

After school on the 29th, DarTanion agreed to go to the movie with me. :) We went and saw The Diary of a Wimpy Kid (which even though it's a kids movie / book series, I still really like it!). It was my 'present' from DarTanion. :) Which cost me $29!

After the movie, we took Archer and Robyn to my mom's house to spend the night. Tanion couldn't because he had school on Tuesday, so he came back home with us. But while at my mom's house, the kids went a little crazy... They were jumping off of my mom's couches on to the little kid couch. DarTanion was trying to do flips and spins. Yeah. My kids aren't really scared of anything! I did get some good pictures of it, though!

On Tuesday (my actual birthday), Jeremiah got called off of work (which he's actually been off all week and doesn't start til next Monday, now). So I was able to sleep in til a whole 8:30am. I woke up and ate some food and went back to sleep. :) Then I woke up around 11am, showered and got dressed and went out with my Angie to the Olive Garden for lunch and to see the movie Alice in Wonderland. It was great to actually go in public with a friend without our kids. :) We could actually eat our food while it was hot and enjoy each others company without having to yell at someone to be nice. :)

While I was at the movies, Jeremiah picked up the kids from my mom's house AND made me 2 cakes (German Chocolate with Coconut Pecan frosting and Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting because that's what I told him I wanted). Also, we had a pork roast cooking all night that he shredded and added BBQ sauce to that was TO DIE FOR! Did I mention he picked up a big container of Cafe Rio House Salad Dressing? The stuff I LOVE??? Yep. He did. :) Some of our friends and family (all of Jeremiah's siblings, actually) came over and had cake and ice cream with us. The kids had fun playing with their friends, too... :) I have great friends. :) I got cash (which is always wonderful), a cute wood saying about service, the 2nd Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, some make your own popsicle things (which I've been looking for everywhere!) and a cute figuring reading a book.

My birthday was awesome. :)

Today, DarTanion came home from school with his reading prize. They have 'milestones' in his reading program and when they meet the milestone, they get to pick a book to keep. He got the 3rd Diary of a Wimpy Kid book as his prize. He told me "Sorry it's a little late, Mom, but happy birthday" and "You don't even have to return it to the Library!" and "I got this special for you"... Can I say that is totally precious!?! I love that little guy!

And we were going to celebrate Archer's birthday today with his friends, but 2 of the 3 families that were going to come have sick kids, so we postponed it until we get back from vacation. Since we canceled his party, I asked him if he wanted to go on a date with me. We went to Kmart to see what trains they have and to find something for an Easter present for each kid. He saw the Jacob (from Twilight / New Moon) barbie and said "Mom! Do you want a half naked man for Easter?" :) HAHA!!! LOVE IT!!!

Then we went to the library and checked out 3 Thomas books and 2 Thomas movies. Afterward, we went out for ice cream at Baskin-Robbins. I had a coupon for a free scoop for my birthday and a kids scoop is only $2. We even ate it there. :) 'Kitty' joined us on every stop of our date for the night. :) He had a great time doing things that really don't cost much money and just being able to bring his 'Kitty' with us. :) By the way, Kitty didn't like the cookie dough ice cream, so Archer had to eat it all. :)

Can I just say that I love one-on-one dates with my kids? And I love it when their sweet spirit shines through. :) They are such little sweet hearts and I love them. They made my 'uhgggg, I'm getting old' birthday a good experience. :)


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Oh my goodness you had a LOVELY birthday! So awesome. :)

Congrats on the big 3-0! It's not so bad. :)

Cherlelynn Bednar said...

What a fun and great birthday! I love the date idea! What a great way to spend one on one time with your kids--I wish I was better at this. When I'm home from work I do get some time to play with Grace and Susan and me have a standing weekly time. We either do her achievement day or something else that we both like to do; but like all parents I wish I were better at it. Sounds like you had a great b-day hope all is well! :)