Thursday, November 6, 2008


Unless you are personally friends with me - Mandy - (and possibly even if you are) you won't care about this blog... BUT, I'm gonna post it anyway.

My Jedd is getting married. I say "MY" Jedd because I have some weird claim I staked on this guy when we were 8 years old. He's been one of my longest friends and I truely love him (as a brother - I'm not replacing Jeremiah). He's a great guy and I want him to be happy.

My hubby and My Jedd, Disneyland 2007
(for Jessie's Bday)

Me and Jessie at Disneyland 2007

For some reason, since I started dating Jeremiah (which actually happened because I CHEATED ON Jedd! but we are all over that!) I have had to meet Jedd's girlfriends and decide if I like them or not. I really don't think it matters to him that I like them or not, but he does it to humor me. :) I like to think I'm more important to him than I really am... Anyway, back to the reason for this post...


Jedd and Jessie

My Jedd has been dating Jessie Post for around 3 years now. She is SO wonderful and great and kind and just completely amazing. I couldn't have chosen a better girl for him. Ever. I love this girl basically as much as I love him. But for some reason, it has taken him 3 years to get used to the idea of getting married or to get over something and "just do it!" I am so proud of them... They have been "good kids" and will be getting married in the Salt Lake Temple on November 21st. I was just overwhelmed with happiness for the two of them this afternoon (don't know why, I just was!) and I thought, I'm gonna blog about this. (It's a sad little existence I lead...) SO, if by some random chance they see my blog, I want you both to know -

I love you guys and I wish you complete happiness. :)

One of Jessie's bridals
(which I hope she doesn't kill me for posting!)


Michelle D. Argyle said...

What great a bridal pic! Who did them for her?

So glad you're happy!

Jessie said...

I find it funny that I found this by chance... thanks for caring about us so much.. we both love you too! And for who ever asked the company that did my Bridals is called Creativ Produtions, they are out of sandy.. I'm surprised you didn't put up one of the funny faced ones :) Thanks again Mandy you are a great and wonderful friend and I don't know what I would do without you, who else would go shopping with me?