Sunday, November 9, 2008

Last Week...

Apparently I either forgot I owned a Camera or forgot to carry it with me. Something! But I only have a few things to show you this week. Sad, I know... But don't worry. You only missed out on things that didn't involve the kids...

Here is a cute picture of my baby girl. Her hair is getting pretty long, so I put in a few curlers and made her have a split curl on top of her head and all over the back. She's cute. :) Can you believe she is almost a year? I started my Maternity Leave for her a year ago today. My how time flies when you're not at the Homestead... :)

My cute little Robynson

And I took some really cute shots of all 3 kids in the bath, but I don't feel good posting those online. SO, you shall get a short video of Tanion rocking out with his bad self in our Blazer while we waited for Jeremiah to come out of Walgreen's... :) Enjoy!

DarTanion "Shaking" it!


Michelle D. Argyle said...

Cute pics and video!

Were you still going to make your blog invite-only?

Mandy said...

Yep. We're switching over this week... Watch for the email!

Britt said...

So cute! It's crazy how fast they grow up isn't it??

Britt said...

Oh hey, I'm going private, so send me your email address so I can invite you. Send it to the email on my profile...:)

Arin Rohrbach said...

My kids love that song!