Saturday, August 21, 2010


I haven't done a post just about my DarTanion since, well, his birthday last month... But I figured that he deserved something just about him.

DarTanion is a good boy. He's been a really big help to me. He'll help keep an eye on his brother or sister. He likes to be independent, but at the end of the day, he just wants to snuggle with his mom (lucky me!) :) I love it.

DarTanion still has his own little sense of style. Lately, his favorite shirt is a little bit too big hand-me-down from our upstairs neighbor boy. It's an AC/DC shirt and even though he doesn't know who AC/DC is, he knows they play music - like KISS (his 'favorite band'). He came up to me the other day to show me that he found a way to make the shirt fit a little better. Tuck it in and roll the sleeves in... Take a look. :)

Can you say 80's? :) All he needs now is a mullet. :)

DarTanion is sometimes a drama-queen or KING, as it is... He will whine about things that are not important (like the shirt he wanted to wear is dirty, he can't find his toy, he wants to spend money we don't have)... So when he started whining at my grandma's house this weekend, I gave a frustrated sigh (like every good mom would do) and said "What now?" without looking at him. He moved his hands away from his face and he was bleeding. Like a lot of blood pouring from his mouth bleeding. I freaked out and handed Robyn to my cousin and pulled DarTanion in the house. He was trying to pet my Grandma's dog and he (the dog) jumped up to see him at the same time. They bonked heads and Tanion ended up biting thru his lip on the inside and outside. We cleaned it off and saw it wasn't as bad as it had looked at first (with blood EVERYWHERE)... Still, it was a pretty bad cut. SO, I guess I shouldn't be so quick to frustration. Sometimes there is a reason for the whining. :)
DarTanion really is a sweet kid. He has sensitive feelings (more often lately, it seems). He love his family and friends. He wants to please people but he's also good to stand his ground if he doesn't think something is right / fair.

Anyway, I love all 3 of my monkeys... They are all so different and funny and just awesome. They have taught me a lot and make me want to be a better person / parent. I'm super grateful for the opportunity I have to be a mommy to such sweet kids. :)