Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So I'm writing a book... Sort of...

I have barely started, but I am writing a book of sorts for my kids. WHY?

Well, my little sister's husband Sean has cancer. Again. He had really aggressive cancer which they thought they had completely demolished. Just a routine check up around 2 months later and 3 of the 6 biopsies showed it was back. CRAP. So what does this have to do with me writing a book? It was something Sean said.

Sean is worried about Kaylee (his daughter) not knowing him or not knowing that he loved her. There are many things that he wants her to know... And it is his mission to be a good dad since his was non-existent for most of his childhood. And now he is afraid that he will not be there for her. We gave him the suggestion of writing things down. Memories of her. Memories of his from when he was a kid. Things he has loved about watching her grow. THINGS LIKE THAT.... I don't know if he ever did or not or if he is currently working on one now that the cancer is back...

Anyway, I got to thinking - Life is Short. We never know if our last day will be tomorrow. Then what will our kids do? What will they think of us or of life? And will they even remember us?

SO, I'm writing a book for my kids. Right now, it will probably be a little each day and a book for all of them because I want them all to know a lot of the same things. There may be things that I want specific kids to know, so for that, I will have a separate area...

But I'm writing a book and think that maybe you would like to do the same. It doesn't have to be perfect and you don't have to have lots of fancy words. Just lots of pictures and lots of love. Maybe that will be my book's title. Lots of Love...


Michelle D. Argyle said...

I'm assuming this is a memoir? It sounds wonderful, Mandy.

Um, I write books. :)

Haven't written a memoir though. Good luck and let me know if you need help. There's a lot more to writing a book than you think, hehe. :)

Mandy said...

You aren't kidding! I've been surfing the net looking for ideas and things that I would want my kids to know about. Things that would help me to write for my kids...

So yeah, I guess it's sort of a memoir. Not really a "I think this needs published" kind of book, but a book still the same. :)

Bethie said...

Tell Colleenia I am so sorry about Honey!!! and I think a book is a great idea!!! it was great seeing ya yesterday at Walmart!!! you really need to come over - I miss you! and we should talk some gossip from the Homestead!!! What the hell is Britt Mathwich doing as Sales Manager???? hahahahha I hope thats just a joke???? hahahhahahah loveya!