Friday, October 1, 2010

Playing Catch Up...

Sorry, friends. I've had kind of a busy month. Or so it seems. :)

I've been applying for jobs like a crazy woman. And going to interviews. And watching kids. And helping out at the boys school. And trying not to lose Archer. And running errands. And writing the Primary Sacrament Program for our ward. And staffing our Nursery. And organizing my still messy and cluttered house. And garage. And I've typed and lost this blog. TWICE. And you get the idea. :) So here are some cute pictures to hopefully make up for my absence... Hope you enjoy! :)

Robyn still likes to get dirty...

I found her a costume at Savers for $7!

Archer got a hair cut and hasn't tried to re-cut it yet!
Don't you love the mullet he had going on? :)

Archer LOVES making crafts
(he insisted I take all these pictures of his playdough truck!)

DarTanion's still obsessed with guns and swords!

Our kids and the Bagley kids formed a band :)

Our Nephew Draysen turned 9!

I found this great picture of me and my Jedd (circa 1993)
I added the one from his wedding to show you how much we haven't changed!

Jeremiah has been a horsey a lot lately...
Robyn named him 'Pinto', like the horse on Dora