Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Potty Training

Can I just say how much
I HATE Potty Training?!

Don't get me wrong - I love my kids and I love when they can go to the bathroom by themselves, but getting to that point - NOT FUN.

Current child in Potty Training would be Robynson. We've been working with her for pretty much forever now (or at least it seems that way). I'm not one of those Mom's that has to have it done right away. I'm all about taking their time and helping them realize when it's time to go / not to go. Tanion wasn't potty trained til almost 4 and Archer was just after his 3rd birthday. Robyn's only 2 1/2. So why do I feel like she needs to be going to the potty?! Uuuggg!!!!!

We've been working with her since last September.
Since before she was 2.
We've bought Dora Pullups - because she loves Dora.
We've bought big girl panties, hoping that would help.
We've let her run around naked.
We've borrowed Potty Training movies from the library.
Read potty training books.
I've set up a timer on my phone to go off every 30 minutes
and I would ask her if she wanted to go potty.
We've tried a little potty.
We've tried the big potty.
We've tried a small potty seat on the big potty.

Sometimes she goes,
Sometimes she doesn't.

It has to be her idea.
And she likes to be naked.
And that's embarrassing.

Some days are better than others. Today is not one of those days. And I am frustrated. Because I've been trying really hard with her lately and I don't feel like we're making much progress. But how can you really be mad when you walk into the bathroom and see this. :)

And yes, I realize this will embarrass the crap out of her (no pun intended) when she's older. I just had to vent and I thought why not post some fun pictures while I was at it. :)


RebeccaVert said...

LOL Mandy....I am SO glad that i am not the only one who posts embarrassing photos of the kids! She will hate you when she is older....just ask Kaydee! Muahahahahahah Im so Evil. I told her im gonna show all her boyfriends right before their first dates :p
Anyways!! Good luck on the potty training! I got so frustrated while i was doing it!

Cherlelynn Bednar said...

I love the pics! (And the fact I'm not the only one facing the whole "potty" thing.) Gracie actually loves the potty but says potty every 30 seconds. She'd live on it if we let her. She's improved a lot in the last month or so but she's still in diapers. Less than a month ago she'd say potty--and actually go. A few hours later say potty again (either after she had already gone or she'd sit on the potty and then after nothing happend and I put her diaper back on she'd go in her diaper.) Ugh! I know that if I actually tried more she'd get it I just don't have the paitence you do. Congrats to you on all that you're doing. You're awesome!!!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Oh, Mandy, chill!!!!! Darcy is 3 1/2 and STILL not pottytrained. She's slowly getting there, but who on earth says that any child NEEDS to be pottytrained by the time they are 3? No one. Let them figure out when they're ready, and be there for them when they need you. Darcy is super stubborn and seems to always be behind on the milestones that children hit by certain ages. One of my challenges it to be patient with her. :)

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Oh, I suppose a lot of people SAY that kids need to be pottytrained by the time they are 3, but they are crazy and you shouldn't listen to them. :)

Unknown said...

Oh my word. She is SO cute. I barely can remember those days now that my baby is ten. I sort of miss it : ) Just sort of though, not completely. You are right about her looking cute. I wouldn't be able to be mad either. I love all three of your kids names. They are perfect!

Nastynate said...

Very cute girl ��

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