Today was another 'FUN' day in the Hardman Household. :)
Tuesdays in August are $2 days at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, UT. We decided that we would take that lovely discount (discount varies by venue) of a whole $1.50 per person and visit Farm Country with some friends - Stacy, Lance and Kimmy.
Now, my kids are no strangers to a farm. Grandpa Twitch has some small barnyard animals (chickens, a turkey or two, etc.) and Grandma Bagley lives on a farm with horses, cows, sheep, etc. Farms are normal. But this was still fun. The kids had fun looking at (and feeding) all of the different animals. They even got to ride on some horses (highlight of the day, I'm telling you!) I think it may have been their first time? They were excited, either way!

thanks to a horse, is missing part of one of her fingers. :)

I think Archer's favorite part was getting to see 'his Kimmy' again. The boy has a HUGE crush on little Kimmy (always drawing pictures and things of her and him holding hands, writing her letters, wrapping her presents, etc). You wouldn't know it how he acted around her today, but when we got home after our visit to Farm Country, it was Kimmy this and Kimmy that once again. :)
The messy-haired alpaca is such a funny-looking creature... and I love that cool-looking pig, too!
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