Our ward has A LOT of kids in it and we have a "Playgroup" that meets once a week to do fun kids activities. It gives the younger kids a chance to socialize and the moms a chance to do the same. :) Yesterday, they went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. :) We brought our little friend Nick and Grandma and Grandpa Barlow with us. It was lots of fun. :)
Grandpa Sherrill, Tanion, Archer, Nick, Grandma Barlow, Robyn
DarTanion and Nick, burying each other's feet
Archer playing near the dino bones
You can't tell, but there are skeleton people trying to get that skeleton!
Grandma Barlow, Robyn and Archer about to get ate by the giant shark
DarTanion playing in Erosion area
Archer and Nick playing with the sand & water
Grandpa Sherrill, Nick, Archer, Grandma Barlow, Robyn and DarTanion
Nick and Archer pretending they are the dinos above them :)
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