OK, I'm tired... This is the last one tonight...
messy and pantless

Cutest Ninja I know!
Welcome to the day-to-day happenings of our ordinary little family
OK, I'm tired... This is the last one tonight...
Posted by Mandy at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kids
I love the Provo Library. :) They have such fun events. The boys look forward to going to "Big Guys, Little Guys" every year with Jeremiah. It's a "just for boys" event. They also do a girls event called the "Fairy Princess Tea Party" and I've been wanting to go since I found out about it. BUT, it's for girls 3 and older. But guess who turned 3 and can dress up and go to the party with her momma?! :)
I bought 4 tickets the day they went on sale thinking my sister Keena and my niece Kaylee would be able to go with us. Well, unfortunately Keena had to work, so I invited my awesome friend Jerusha and her little girl Callie to go with us (don't feel bad I didn't invite you - it's probably because you had more than 1 little girl and I didn't want to leave anyone out - I wish I could have invited all of you!!). I was Jerusha's visiting teacher for a while and we became friends. It's nice because Callie is just 6 months younger than Robyn and they like playing together.
SO... After changing 4 times, Robyn finally agreed to at least wear a tutu (yeah, she's not so girly...) and I somehow managed to squeeze (and I DO mean SQUEEZE!) into a dress I bought before I got married (and had to worry about arm fat and garments hanging out). I covered up with a cardigan and made Jeremiah take a few pictures of us and we were off!We watched some ballerinas dance and then got to go meet the Fairy King and his court... Robyn didn't really like the king - she ran away from him. But she loved the main girl fairy...
Anyway, they had a 'meal' of cheese, a cookie, a strawberry, 'clouds' (white cotton candy), and a 'fairy cake' (muffin) with lemon water. It was a very pretty (small) meal. And each person got a fairy charm on a silver ribbon and a bottle of fairy dust (pink sand). Robyn wanted to eat the fairy dust, but finally stopped trying to when I told her it was poison and would turn her into a real frog. (Hey, whatever works, right?)
Afterward, we went back to my house and let the girls play on the swings. There is just something about little girls in fluffy skirts that makes me smile... And I kinda love these little girls.
Robyn and Callie play so cute together. They talk about each other all the time too. Callie has the prettiest blonde curls and soft voice. Robyn's loud and doesn't care at all about wearing shoes outside. :) The girls got their pretty princess clothes dirty (and I'm sure it looked awesome to my neighbors with Jerusha and I dressed up, taking pictures and pushing the girls on the swings...)
Sometimes it's hard with 3 kids and I think "WHY didn't I stop at 2?!" But then I get to play with her and see her sweet, yet fiery and spunky personality and remember - THAT'S why.
Posted by Mandy at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Fun, Girlfriends, Robynson
There have been an excessive amount of loose teeth in this household! My boys seem to be losing 1 a week for the last few months. This tooth fairy is BROKE! And then we have dentist appointments that are making it even worse! Here are a few pictures...
Remember a few weeks ago when I did the update on Archer and mentioned he lost his first tooth and he wrote a letter to the tooth fairy asking to keep it? And that the picture showed Archer in bed farting and the tooth fairy flying farting? Yep... Totally Archer. :) Well, I saved it, but the kids spilled liquid on it before I got it put away, so now it's crinkled, but still cute. Here's that letter...
Since then, he lost his other front tooth! And it's cute when he talks!
And then he went to the dentist and had one pulled. Here's a picture of his smiley, swollen face from that night...And that silly boy... He keeps trying to pull others that are barely loose because he wants more money...
OH, and Tanion? Yeah, he lost another one. His smile consists of a bunch of spaced out big teeth now. Super cute, though...
And today he went to the dentist and was put under sedation to do all his work that he needed done... The dentist pulled 1 loose tooth and instead of capping some like he was going to (darn you, weak enamel!), he decided to just pull 2 more. So yeah, that's $3 (in gold dollars, no less) this tooth fairy has pull out tonight! Here are his swollen / slightly drugged face pictures...Notice the lack of teeth? MAN! How's he gonna chew!?!
Okay, one more post then bedtime. :) Hope you guys are enjoying these!
Posted by Mandy at 8:57 PM 0 comments
So I already posted the video of Tanion singing at the Manner's Assembly on Valentine's Day but here is the 'reason' I was there...
The school called me Friday to let us know he would be receiving an award on Monday so I talked to my boss (who is great, by the way) and he said he was fine with me leaving to go to the assembly. Jeremiah and I sat in the back of the auditorium again and watched him sing his song and waited patiently for his turn to get the award. We kept it a secret for the weekend and thought it'd be neat to surprise him...
By the way, he won an award for having good manners. :) Archer got one for being kind the month before - Tanion gets one for good manners. Guess we're doing something right! :)
Posted by Mandy at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: DarTanion
This video was taken on Valentines Day this year. The school's office called to let me know about Tanion winning an award for this assembly (a post on that coming up) so I talked to my boss and was able to go. The 2nd Grade performed a song about Manners (the theme for February). It'll probably take a while for the video to load, but if it does and you want to see him, he's on the top row, 4th from the end in the blue Scooby Doo jacket. :) He was pretty proud of his 'solo' part at the end. :)
Posted by Mandy at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: DarTanion; School